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  5. Excellent, thank you. I've updated your forum permissions and you should now be able to sign up to crew at events: https://www.causewaylegions.com/forums/events/
  6. Id like to sign up to be a crew member please! while im working on my deathwatch armour and after as well
  7. Excellent, I've updated your access and you should now be able to sign up to events as crew 😄
  8. Hey bud. Loving the enthusiasm,..if you could post a wee intro and tell a bit about yourself first, we can take it from there. Here's a wee link to the introductions forum: https://www.causewaylegions.com/forums/forum/4-new-users-introduce-yourself/
  9. Excellent, you should now be able to view and sign up to events in our calendar: https://www.causewaylegions.com/forums/events/ Good to have you on board!
  10. Can indeed, I've updated your access so now you should be able to see the events calendar and sign up as a crew member.
  11. Excellent, I've updated your access and you should now be able to sign up to events as crew, hope to meet you in person soon!
  12. Hi folks, could I please be added to the list for crew. Would love to help out and start my 501st journey.
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